Marchand Fischer Baby Camera

Whenever my wife and I visit a foreign city, I check to see if the town or a surrounding city has a Flea Market to check out the local market of used and collectible cameras. This spring, my wife and I returned to Paris, which has a robust and large Flea Market area that thrives on the weekends. 


The Flea Market, which comprises smallish stalls selling goods from carpets to antiques and almost anything imaginable, was a used camera store. It was not in the flea market but on one of the main roads surrounding the markets. Looking around the camera store, I noticed that the shop owner had many great cameras, but one that caught my eye was the Fischer Baby camera made by Marchand.


The Company:

I don't have much to say here, as I've searched the Internet and cannot find out much about this company. It's most likely because they were a small French company in Charbonnieres, France, after WWII. They produced a minimal amount of toyish cameras in the 1950s sold in toy stores. Due to their build quality, which I'll get into more when I explain the camera below, they were poorly received and, therefore, went out of business.

 If you or anyone who reads this post knows anything about Marchand Co., which produced these cameras, I'd love to know, and I will update the blog post with that information.

The Camera:

There are a few items that drew me to this camera. The faceplate is typical, but it does have a 6 on one side of the lens and 9 on the other. My first thought was that it was a fascinating film format. I'm a real enthusiast of anything panoramic, so this was the first light bulb in my head. Then, when I got closer to the camera and picked it up, the bulbous size and extremely light weight of the camera were pretty fascinating. It has almost a circular look and feel to the camera. Being someone who enjoys panoramic cameras and images, the 6x9 format made this very intriguing.


The camera is straightforward and similar to a Box-style camera but even simpler as there is no aperture setting and only two shutter speeds. The Fischer Baby has a very simple shutter with a bulb setting  "P" for time exposures and an "I" setting for instant. The camera's shutter, at least on my camera, "clicks" when you press the shutter button down, which exposes the film, but it does the same thing when you pull the shutter button up to what most people would think it to be the starting position. The shutter speed is about 1/80th sec, and possibly even slower.

Another fascinating point about the camera is how thin the plastic is. It doesn't have a lot of "heft" to it, and it's pretty light—the camera loads like any other simple point-and-shoot style camera from the late 1940s to mid-1950s. There's a red window on the back of the camera so you know when you're at the next frame to take a photo. The transport continues, but you can wind past the next frame if you're not careful.

 The Baby Fischer has no frills in its design. Two clips on the side of the camera keep the front of the camera attached to the back of the camera. There is no locking mechanism, and the clips could open easily, exposing the photos already taken. My camera is missing its strap because one of the eyelets has broken off, which I'd guess is pretty standard due to its build quality.

The Results:

My first impression was that this camera takes 120 film. When I went to load the film, the 120 roll was too big, so I thought this must be a 620 film camera. Its re-spooling capability allows you to re-spool 120 films onto a 620 reel. I found an empty 620 film spool and a 120 roll of T-Max film, put them into my dark bag, and re-spooled the film.

 I had never done this before, and when I took the film out of the dark bag, it looked OK. It was not professionally done, but it was my first time doing so. After loading the film into the camera, I took photos with my second spare 620 spool.

 The results showed that my re-spooling wasn't perfect. In fact, it was poor, as there was some light leakage coming from the end of the spool where the film wasn't tight enough. Other than the light leaks, the results were pretty good.

The Conclusion:

After walking around my backyard and in front, too, the camera could have been better to work with. The viewfinder was challenging to look through and not precisely in its proportions. The winding was OK; you can see the film advance and frame numbers in the red window on the back. Since there wasn't a strap on my camera, I had to carry it, which wasn't uncomfortable, but I was always thinking about not dropping it. I'm glad I did a post on this camera and have already picked the camera for my next post, which will be on the Exakta 66 camera.

 Thank you for reading this post. I appreciate your time. Until the next post, please be safe and well.